Artículos Médicos

Te compartimos algunas publicaciones sobre salud, tecnología en medicina, y literatura científica respecto al sistema ES-TECK como una herramienta segura y eficaz que puede ser utilizada para una variedad de aplicaciones médicas

Screening Test on Metabolic Syndrome Using Electro Interstitial Scan Instrument

Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed using clinical and laboratory data. Electro interstitial scan (EIS) is a rapid and noninvasive screening. It measures and calculates the parameters to reflect hypertension, sympathetic activity, stiffness of the arteries, body fat composition, leptin and insulin resistance. Metabolic syndrome will be diagnosed if calculated score ≥10 CU.

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The ES TECK Screening -System TECHNIQUES

In these digital times man expects his health and physiology status to be presented in digital and preferrably visual ways. This explains the growing demand for easily performed health screening techniques. Systems using digits, charts and other visual techniques further offer the valuable advantage of being motivating in terms of lifestyle changes as physiological deviations are shown in an educating way. In many cases, lifestyle improvements are inevitable in order to prevent or reduce or eliminate signs of illness. 

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Summary of Clinical Investigations ES Teck Complex system – EIS System in adjunct to Treatments’ monitoring and to diagnosis with the
conventional methods

Clinical investigations were conducted at the S.P. Botkin Hospital from May 20, 2006, to September 1, 2006, in order to evaluate the Bioimpedance parameters provide from a device named Electro Interstitial Scan (E.I.S), we performed drug administration studies.

Two hundred fifteen (215) test subjects were recorded with the EIS System. These patients presented affections diagnosed by conventional examinations (hypothyroidism, hypertension, atherosclerosis or thrombosis risk, and Major depression) and were undergoing no treatment.

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Screening Test on Metabolic Syndrome Using Electro Interstitial Scan Instrument

Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed using clinical and laboratory data. Electro interstitial scan (EIS) is a rapid and noninvasive screening. It measures and calculates the parameters to reflect hypertension, sympathetic activity, stiffness of the arteries, body fat composition, leptin and insulin resistance. Metabolic syndrome will be diagnosed if calculated score ≥10 CU.

The Purpose is To evaluate the accuracy, validity and appropriate cut-off score to diagnose metabolic.

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